1.4               The Board understands the scope of duties and responsibilities of the board of Directors. Scope of duties and responsibilities to the Managing Director and management team clearly. As well as monitoring the Managing Director and managing duties as assigned by the



Define the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the Board of Directors

  1. Set the direction of the company's goals and business policies.

  2. Consider and approve important matters relating to the operations of the company, such as vision and mission, strategy, financial goals, risk management, and annual budget, as proposed by the Managing Director. To ensure efficient and effective management of operations, policies, and plans.

  3. To provide a written corporate governance policy and to review policies and compliance at least once a year.

  4. To encourage the company to conduct a written code of business ethics to executives and employees understand the ethical standards that the company uses to conduct their business and track it with serious compliance with such code.

  5. Supervise compliance with requirements in matters where there may be conflicts of interest, with careful consideration. The company has a reasonable approach to consider making connected transactions clearly and to the benefits of stakeholders who are not involved in the decision making and disclosure of information.

  6. Provide an internal control system and provide a person or organization that is independent of the duties responsible for monitoring the internal control system and providing a review of the important system at least once a year to be disclosed in the annual report.

  7. To set a risk management policy to cover the entire organization, the management provides the appropriate risk management and reporting routine and provides a review of the system or assess the effectiveness of risk management at least once a year, or when the risk level is changed to be disclosed in the annual report.

  8. To ensure that the company has an account and the disclosed financial report is fully regulated, the company has an account and has the correct financial report

  9. Act in compliance with the law. The objectives, regulations, and resolutions of the shareholders ' meeting in order to perform the duties of the Board of Directors shall be assigned to one or more directors, or any other person to act in place of the board.


Define policies and supervise management operations.