UT CG Polocy
The Company Board of Directors aware of benefits and importance of corporate governance and business ethics; able to demonstrate that the management of the Company being efficiency, fairness, transparency, and auditable; and promote the Company capable to create better benefits to shareholders and the other stakeholders: employees, customers, trading partners, competitors, and social community and environment. And to apply the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies 2017 (CG Code) issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the way that suitable to the business context of the organization; the Board of Directors has reviewed and defined the corporate governance policy as follows:
Principle 1: Establish Clear Leadership Role and Responsibilities of the Board
Principle 2: Define Objectives that Promote Sustainable Value Creation
Principle 3: Strengthen Board Effectiveness
Principle 4: Ensure Effective CEO and People Management
Principle 5: Nurture Innovation and Responsible Business
Principle 6: Strengthen Effective Risk Management and Internal Control
Principle 7: Ensure Disclosure and Financial Integrity
Principle 8: Ensure Engagement and Communication with Shareholders
Provided communication channel to ensure that such practices comply with the policy, including monitoring, evaluation, and review of Practices, when the company's business conditions change significantly.